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about us
Company Overview
Company NameAivan Co., Ltd.
Head Office444-0833 2-2-2 Hashiraakebono, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture
TEL & FAX.+81-564-55-5434
IncorporationJanuary 2011
Representative DirectorDaniel Petrov
Line of Business・Sales, export and import of cars (new and used), construction
 machines and parts for them, consumables, and supplies, etc.
・Any other businesses incidental to the above
Main BanksThe Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.,  Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank Ltd.
License NumberLicensed by the Aichi Public Safety Commission,
Antique Dealer License No. 543851101400
January 2011 Incorporation of Aivan Co., Ltd.
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